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What's On

Upcoming Tennis Rocks events at Vicar's Moor Lane LTC   

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18th & 19th Feb
Half term camps

Tennis coaching and lots of fun.

Suitable from Reception onwards.


Sat 1st March, 3-5pm
Junior Table Tennis Tournament 

A friendly tournament for Junior Members with prizes for winners and runners up!

3-4pm for ages 11-13 (yrs 7/8); 4-5pm for age 13+

Image by Luke Pennystan

Tues 4th March, from 4pm
Pancake Party (Members only)

We'll build an appetite with tennis games and then serve some pancakes!


Sat 8th March, 12pm
Family Cardio Tennis

Come along for some tennis games and a workout


Sat 15th March, 2pm
Parent & Child Doubles 

A family-friendly afternoon where you'll play lots of games together. 


April 7-11th & 14-17th
Easter Camps

Tennis coaching and lots of fun.

Suitable from Reception onwards.

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Sun 13th April, 2pm
Easter Party 

Come and meet the Easter bunny and see if you can find any chocolate eggs!

Image by Pineapple Supply Co.

Date and time tbc
Summer Party 

Tennis games, BBQ and lots of fun! 


13th/14th Sept, time tbc
Junior Tennis Tournament 

Friendly tournament for ages 8+


Sat 11th Oct, 2pm
Parent & Child Doubles 

A family-friendly afternoon where you'll play lots of games together. 


Date tbc
October Half Term Camp

Tennis coaching and lots of fun.

Suitable from Reception onwards.

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Sat 1st Nov, 2pm
Halloween Party


Sat 8th Nov, 3-5pm
Junior Table Tennis Tournament 

A friendly tournament for Junior Members with prizes for winners and runners up!

3-4pm for ages 11-13 (yrs 7/8); 4-5pm for age 13+

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Tues 9th Dec, 5pm
Xmas Party

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