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Junior Program

Do you want your child to have fun, make friends, and learn tennis? If so, you should check out our junior programs at our two locations: Vicars Moor LTC and Hadley Wood LTC.


We have programs for children of all ages and abilities, from beginners to advanced players. Our programs include small squads, one-to-one lessons, and social junior nights. Your child will get dynamic and effective coaching from our qualified staff, who will advise you on the best session for your child’s level and interests.


But that’s not all. We also have a lot of fun events and parties for our juniors throughout the year. Whether it’s Christmas, Halloween, Easter, pancake nights, or themed events, we always have something exciting and entertaining for your child to enjoy. Some of our past events include the crazy “I’m a Celebrity Party” and the summery Hawaiian barbecue and Tiki bar. You can see some photos of these events in our gallery.


Of course, we also take tennis seriously. We hold regular match play sessions to help our juniors improve their skills and their mini-tennis rankings. We also run team tennis for all mini-tennis age groups, so your child can experience the thrill of playing in a team and competing with other clubs.


We are proud to strike an outstanding balance between playing and competing seriously and having a lot of fun, too!


So what are you waiting for? Contact Paul today and find out how your child can get involved in our junior programs. You won’t regret it!



Junior Coaching TimeTable at Vicars Moor LTC

Rocky's Munchkins for 2.5 - 5 years

MONDAYS 2 to 2.30 pm

FRIDAYS 3.45 to 4.15 pm

SATURDAY 9 to 9.30 am - 9.45 to 10.15 am - 10.20 to 10.40 am


Mini Tennis for 4 - 8 years 

MONDAY 4 to 4.45 pm (for 4-6 years) and 4 to 4.45 pm (for 6-8 years)

TUESDAY 4 to 4.45 pm (for 4-6 years) and 4 to 4.45 pm(for 6-8 years)

WEDNESDAY 4 to 4.45 pm (for 4-6 years) and 4 -to 4.45 pm (for 6-8 years)

FRIDAY 4.15 to 5 pm (for 4-6 years) and 4.15 to 5 pm (for 6-8 years)

SATURDAY 9 to 9.45 am (for 4-6 years), 9 to 9.45 am (for 6-8 years), and 9.45 to 10.30 am (for 4-8 years)


Junior Tennis for 8 - 15 years+

MONDAY 4.45 to 5.45 PM (for 8-10 years) and 5.45 to 7 pm (for 10 years +)

TUESDAY 4.45 to 5.30 pm (for 8-11 years), 5.30 to 6.30 pm (for 13 years +), and 6.30 to 7.30 pm (for15 Years +)

WEDNESDAY 4.45 to 5.45 pm (for 8-10 years)

FRIDAY 4.15 to 5 pm (for 8-10 years) and  5 to 6 pm (for 10 years +)

SATURDAY 9 to 9.45 am (for 8-10 years)

SUNDAY Grand Slam Girls (for 8-14 years)


During the summer months, family doubles and family cardio tennis sessions are organised on Saturday lunchtime. For more information on coaching prices, please get in touch with or Paul on 07934118211

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